Modern Kambo
Take your health to the next level!
What is Kambo Medicine?
Kambo is a non-psychoactive traditional amazonian medicine and is legal in the United States. Kambo’s secretions, while used as defense mechanism, and deadly to most animals, provides many health benefits for humans. The secretion is then applied through superficial burns that are made into the skin. Once Kambo has been applied, the immediate effects bring on increased heart rate, warming of the body, sweating, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and some light headedness. While the experience can be a lot in the moment, clients report that afterwards they notice many benefits physically and spiritually.
Where did Kambo come from?
Kambo originated in the Amazon jungle by several groups of indigenous South American peoples. It was first discovered by the western world in 1986 by Peter Gorman, and investigative journalist that had been spending time with a native a tribe called the Matses.
Kambo was initially utilized as a medicine to aid the hunters of the tribe, giving them increased endurance, stamina, visual acuity, increased hearing ability, a reduced need for food and water, and to mask their human scent to better sneak up on animals.
Kambo is often used in conjunction with a snuff called Nu-Nu(råpe) to bring visions of where their next successful hunt would be. It was also applied to women and children to treat various ailments such as malaria, parasites, snake bites and “panema” or bad luck.
Is Kambo Safe?
All of all the peptides in Kambo that have been researched, none of them have been identified as toxic to humans. Kambo is though, toxic to things like parasites, viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Kambo is also well respected for its antibiotic benefits.
Even though most people experience an extreme physical reaction, Kambo is a very safe procedure, as long as it’s done under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. Please note: Todd has had rigorous training from the top Kambo practitioners, and is a Certified Practitioner.
What is Kambo used for?
Since Kambo’s discovery by westerners, many have found it to be a potent and effective medicine for a variety of different ailments such as depression, arthritis, infections, autoimmune conditions, inflammatory conditions, addiction, emotional trauma and the list goes on....
Some call it a miracle cure for almost any condition. The “sweat” that the frog secretes is full of scientifically studied peptides, some of which stimulate endogenous opioid receptors in a unique way.
Some of the compounds cross the blood brain barrier, and others even manipulate the permeability of the blood brain barrier, possibly working synergistically to allow other compounds from the cocktail into the brain that would not normally get through.
Please note you may not be able to participate in a Kambo ceremony if you:
Have taken 5-meo-DMT or Bufo in the last 4 weeks
Pregnant or may become pregnant
Nursing a child under 6 months old
Have had serious heart problems such as bypass surgery, valve replacement, or any open chest surgery (Stints okay, mild heart attacks okay)
Have had a stroke or blood clot
Have had a brain aneurism
Are taking low blood pressure medication
Have Addison’s disease
Have gone through chemo within the last 4 weeks
Have a severe mental illness (Depression and
anxiety are okay!)
Are taking immunosuppressant drugs for an organ transplant.
Are under 18 years old
Kambo Medicine Therapy
Visit us in Glen Ellen, CA or request we come to your state!
Travel pricing options.
$350 per person
Local pricing options.
$300 per person
Note: A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to secure your date.
How many Kambo sessions will you need?
There are many variables that can decide how many sessions one person may need. The main two factors will be the person’s current health, and also their goals.
If you are suffering from challenges like inflammation, bacteria/parasites, or the need for heavy detoxification, Kambo would be most effective if done in a series of ceremonies as close to each other as possible to help get the upper hand on them.
In a more tribal tradition, it is common for people to do a 3 session segment within 30 days. Spreading the 3 treatments out in a month’s time allows you an opportunity to recover and detox properly after each session. If you are dealing with acute problems, 3 sessions in 3 days could be your best option. For serious issues there is also the option for what is known as the “Warrior treatment” which is 3 sessions in 3 hours.
If you are trying to accomplish a goal with Kambo, such as clearing an emotional trauma, or getting relief from depression, then it is suggested to commit to at least 3 treatments. Depending on the individual, one treatment may not be enough to really break through the thick blockages. We once read somewhere that the first session can be like soaking dirty dishes before cleaning them off. Sometimes you have some old, hard, and crusty gunk that needs to be softened a bit before fully cleaning it out. We really agree with this. After all the gunk has been broken apart, people tend to get better at navigating the experience and being able to surrender to purging and removing unwanted things from their body and life.
It’s also okay to do Kambo once simply to try it, but we encourage those with an intention to give it at least 2-3 sessions minimum.
Please discuss your goals and health challenges with Todd, and together you can create a plan geared to you personally.

“This medicine is something of magic. The spirit of the frog is strong when it is running through your body. How lovely it is that this medicine, although a poison to its predators, is medicine to us, his allies. There is an amazing symbiotic relationship between the kambo frog and humans.” -Natasha Devi
Preparing for a Kambo ceremony.
Important information to note.
Be sure you accurately and honestly report any diagnosed medical conditions to us. This is for your safety. All information is confidential.
Be sure to report any medications or herbal supplements you may be on.
Do not take any supplements or medications unless medically necessary the day of the ceremony. Some herbs or medicines may need to be avoided for a couple of days prior to treatment. Some medications/ supplements are contraindicated and may have a risk for interactions with the Kambo.
Avoid any supplements the day of your Kambo treatment. Avoid taking any medication the day of prior to your Kambo treatment unless absolutely necessary. They will likely be purged out and wasted. You can resume your regular medication regime after the session. Avoid 5HTP, dieting pills, and melatonin supplements for 3 days prior to your session, if possible.
Food and Water
It is ideal to fast at least 6-8 hours before the Kambo ceremony. If your ceremony is in the morning, No breakfast, coffee, caffeinated tea or juice. Abstain from any supplements or medications unless necessary. You can resume medications after session.
If ceremony is in the evening, eat a light breakfast, and make sure to not eat 6-8 hours before your session.
Water, coconut water, herbal tea w/ honey, electrolytes, and salt added to water are okay.
Do not drink excessive amounts of water prior to arriving to your session.
Do not abstain from salt in the days before your session.
Before administering the Kambo treatment, you will be asked to drink approximately 2 liters of water to allow for easy purging and cleansing. This water will be purged out. Drinking too much water more than 15 minutes before the application of the kambo can dilute electrolyte concentrations in the body and cause a serious condition called hyponatremia. Hydrate normally throughout the day, but don’t over drink.
Days prior and following the Kambo, It is recommended to adopt a clean diet to reduce any toxic burden on the body. Avoid alcohol, sugar, and spicy food. Salt is okay. Eat whole, nourishing organic food before and after to best support your body in its detox process afterwards. there is no traditional “Diet” with Kambo and it is not crucial to follow a strict diet before or after the session.
Setting intentions
Creating clear intentions before your Kambo session is everything. When we work with Kambo it can be overwhelming. It can be extremely helpful to set an intention to serve as an anchor during your experience. Think of it this way, when you create clear and concise intention before your ceremony, it helps to navigate the experience, providing the medicine with a direction to flow. Become clear on your goals and imagine releasing any attachments to the outcome.
It is also acceptable to approach the ceremony without an intention with the trust that the medicine will provide you with the experience that you need at the time.
Participating in a Kambo ceremony is an opportunity for deep healing and personal revolution.
What is the science behind Kambo?
Nominated twice for a Nobel Peace Prize, Vittorio Erspamer, an Italian scientist of the University of Rome, was the first person to analyze Kambo in a labotory. In 1986, he wrote that Kambo contains a “fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequalled by any other amphibian.
The chemicals referred to are peptides. These peptides studied by Erspamer have become essential to characterize the functional role of opioid receptors.
Several peptides have since been isolated from the secretion and several have been synthesized. Currently there are over 70 Kambo patents lodged of these peptides, mainly in the US – mainly by pharmaceutical companies.
What neuro and bioactive peptides are identified in Kambo, and what are their benefits?
Caerulein and Sauvagine
Interacts with pituitary-adrenal axis and corticotropin (releasing receptors) involved in stress, anxiety, depression, and addictive behavior. Causes a fall in blood pressure accompanied by tachycardia. Promotes keen sensory perception, improves stamina, solid analgesic effect, boosts physical strength, and overall enhances the capability to regulate physical pain and stress.
Dermaseptin B2
Powerful antimicrobial activity against bacteria, yeast, fungi, Protozoa, and enveloped viruses that often cause infection. The University of Paris has revealed this peptide to be effective in killing specific types of cancer.
Phyllokinin (bradykinins)
Focus on the bradykinin receptors. Relaxes smooth muscles. Potent vasodilator, increasing permeability of blood-brain barrier. Long lasting reduction in blood pressure.
Phyllomedusin (tachykinins)
Interacts with tachykinin receptors, regulates functions of dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters. Contracts smooth muscles. Potent vasodilator, increasing permeability of blood-brain barrier. Powerful effect on the intestines and bowels, contributing to purging of toxins.
Highly selective for mu opioid receptors and a powerful pain killer, 4000 times stronger than morphine than endogenic b-endorphines. Transforms the immune system, harmonizes the endocrine, digestive and lymphatic system.
Opioid receptor agonists. Highest affinity and selectivity to delta opioid receptors of any natural compound. Powerful painkiller, 4000 times stronger than morphine.
Stimulates the binding of agonists to A1 adenosine receptors. Antibiotic and antimicrobial peptide can reduce negative effects of a plethora of fungi, bacteria, and Protozoa, including cancer cells, Proposal for treating depression, stroke, seizures and cognitive loss aliments such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Phyllokinin (bradykinins)
Potential in cardiovascular, inflammatory, and anti-cancer therapy. Helps remove the yeast, candid. This neuropeptide can cause a long lasting reduction in blood pressure.
Hypotension neuropeptide. Stimulates adrenal cortex and pituitary gland.
What people are saying?
“I am so excited to use all this newfound energy from Kambo medicine! I finally had the chance to release both physical and mental blockages and I’m so thankful to have had the chance to go through this. And as someone who struggles with poor sight, I was THRILLED to experience heightened vibrancy of color!!” -Alex
“I wasn’t completely sure what was going to happen while going through Kambo, but Luzia and Todd prepared me extremely well with what to expect and what was normal. They made me feel calm and confident going into Kambo, knowing that during and after the experience I would face many benefits. It was beyond worth it. I’m blessed I had them guiding me!” -Kenzie
The last 8 years have been a turbulent ride on my quest to get to expose the root cause of so many of my health issues. To my fortune a dear friend introduced me to Todd and Luzia who shared one of natures greatest secrets, Kambo. Kambo opened me up to visit vulnerable areas physically, emotionally and spiritually that were hindering my bodies ability to heal. Todd and Luzia not only administered Kambo but navigated me through hard territory. Their love, compassion and nurturing spirits allowed me to feel safe yet vulnerable to revisit old pain that had rooted and release it. Kambo holds miraculous properties that open up the body and spirit and flushes out the by-product of our pain. Without Todd and Luzia standing with me I don't believe the miracle of Kambo would have ignited.
I’m forever grateful and believe the journey will never end. -Lacey
“The Kambo retreat with Todd and Luzia was incredible. My energy, focus and sense of connection feels ten times better than it was before the retreat. I can’t wait to return!!”-Kara